Molly Robson discusses the role of caucus secretary and the role of caucus committees within the Goss Government. She discusses the strategies she used for raising contentious issues in caucus.
Molly Robson discusses the additional layer of responsibility for women parliamentarians in pushing for equality. She comments on the history of abortion law reform.
Anne Warner discusses the issues that she focused on when she was a backbencher in Opposition: social justice, civil liberties, women's issues and the SEQEB (South East Queensland Electricity Board) dispute. She goes on to note the social justice issues related to the Boggo Road Gaol. This included one incident of fire where she witnessed an inmate brutalised, which she then reported to parliament. Anne Warner also notes that at the time she was less involved in the abortion issue.
Rosemary Kyburz outlines her role in the defeat of the Pregnancy Termination Control Bill in 1980 and the vile personal campaign waged against her by the League of Rights, and the support of the bill by the Queensland Labor leader and Catholic Ed Casey.