Terry Hampson describes his involvement with political activism during the 1960s, and the growing divide between the progressive branches and the conservative executive.
Rob Whiddon discusses Bill Hayden's lack of active involvement in the reform group. He reflects on the build up to intervention and debates the merit of federal interference.
Rob Whiddon recalls divisions within the reform group. He states that differences of opinion emerged over tactics. He notes the vicious nature of the internal dispute.
Ian McLean reflects on the electoral position of the Labor Party federally and in Queensland. He discusses the involvement of the Queensland branch in the major social movements of the time. He discusses the internal tensions in the Queensland branch.
Manfred Cross notes that to win office you have to mirror the society in which you operate. He notes that for the party to succeed contemporary leadership was needed and Bill Hayden provided that.
Manfred Cross discusses the roots of the intervention by recalling December 1975 and grievances the that were emerging. He notes the attacks of Neal Kane on the leader Bill Hayden, and his own response to attack Neal Kane on television. He notes that what he and many others wanted was a more participatory and contemporary party.
Wilf Ardill outlines the lead up to intervention. He shares his memories of the Rockhampton conference and recalls the support within unions for party reform, but states that there were internal divisions within unions over the issue. He states that his union decided to disaffiliate from the ALP to avoid splitting the union.
Harry Hauenschild discusses the issues that led to federal intervention and the motivation behind those who were pushing for proportional representation. He explains how this group pressured the National Executive to intervene.
Frank Peach discusses the difficulties of summarising the greatest achievements of his career. He highlights the Leading Schools program and the policies surrounding this, the reforms implemented in Corrections and the Families portfolio. He discusses his time at Inala and Bamaga schools and his role within the Queensland Teachers' Union.