Rachel Hunter

Time | Summary | Keywords |
00:00:09 | Rachel Hunter discusses a peripatetic childhood that saw her attend a variety of schools throughout regional Victoria and Queensland, before completing her secondary education in Brisbane. | |
00:02:33 | Rachel Hunter discusses her decision to enter the perceived female friendly occupations of teaching and the public service, focusing particularly on her time in TAFE, including the difficulties posed by the male-dominated environment and her work to make TAFE a commercial and competitive institution. | sexism, women |
00:06:09 | Rachel Hunter discusses her time with TAFE, focusing on her responsibilities in terms of governance, finances and policy. She discusses the shifting of TAFE between different departments as a reflection of government priorities. | education reform |
00:10:31 | Rachel Hunter discusses the notion of the Smart State, focusing on the application of the ideal to the public service and the impact on higher education and research. | Beattie Government 1998-2007, Public Service Commissioner, Smart State |
00:13:08 | Rachel Hunter notes the negatives of the Smart State program, and the way that the Q2 program seeks to redress these by embracing a wider group of people. | Q2, Smart State |
00:16:04 | Rachel Hunter outlines her time as Public Service Commissioner, including the development of the Public Service Charter and planning for the 21st century, as well as improvements in reporting. | Public Service Commissioner, Smart State |
00:21:09 | Rachel Hunter discusses the nature of reform in the public service, and the argument surrounding the politicisation of the public service. | public sector reform, Public Service Commissioner |
00:25:09 | Rachel Hunter discusses the role of political advisors and their relationship with ministers and directors general. | ministerial advisers |
00:28:14 | Rachel Hunter discusses the handling of complaints, whistle blowing within the public service and changes to the way the process is handled. | Public Service Commissioner |
00:31:01 | Rachel Hunter discusses taking up the position of Director General of the Department of Justice and Attorney General in 2003 as part of a review of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, her work on the public administration function of the department, and the importance of building trusting relationships with public servants and ministers. | Attorney General, Director of Public Prosecutions, Justice |
00:36:42 | Rachel Hunter notes other major projects she undertook while in the Department of Justice, including the Integrated Justice and Information System, the Indigenous Justice Agreement, and support for regions. | Justice, regions |
00:39:32 | Rachel Hunter discusses the ongoing projects in which she was involved at the Department of Justice, including reforming the culture of the department, and the implementation of the recommendations of the Moynihan Review into law court jurisdictions. | Justice |
00:43:53 | Rachel Hunter discusses becoming the Director General of a newly configured Department of Education, Training and Arts in 2006, the challenge of managing the then largest government department at a time when education policy was changing, and national benchmarking and national curriculum were developed. | Arts, Education Department, education reform, Rod Welford |
00:49:10 | Rachel Hunter discusses her work to maintain the profile for the arts within the large Department of Education, Training and Arts, and the linkages with the Smart State and education. | Art Gallery, Arts, Education Department, GOMA, Smart State |
00:51:57 | Rachel Hunter discusses the ongoing focus on the Smart State and on education through the transition from the Beattie to the Bligh Government, including the introduction of prep and reforms to curriculum and training. | Education Department, education reform, Smart State |
00:53:48 | Rachel Hunter discusses the challenge of administering a large budget within the Department of Education, Training and the Arts, as well as collaborations with other departments on shared visions such as Smart State. | budget process, Education Department |
00:58:38 | Rachel Hunter discusses the requirements for senior public servants, arguing that leadership and ability is more important than specialised knowledge. | leadership |
01:01:25 | Rachel Hunter reflects on her reasons for leaving the public service, her ongoing contribution through volunteer work, and remarks that she is particularly happy with the outcomes delivered by the departments and programs she headed. | |
01:05:30 | Interview ends. |
Rachel Hunter

Public servant Rachel Hunter began working for the TAFE system in 1977, becoming the Director of the Southbank Institute of TAFE, and subsequently serving as the Public Service Commissioner, the Director General of Justice and Attorney General, and the Director General of Education, Training and the Arts.
Born in Melbourne in 1955, Hunter undertook her primary and secondary education at a variety of schools throughout Victoria and Queensland, before completing teaching qualifications in English, History and Social Science. She began teaching in the TAFE system in 1977, and over the next two decades, took on policy, financial and management responsibilities. This would eventually culminate with her appointment as the Director of the Southbank Institute of TAFE in 1998.
In 2002, Hunter took up a position as Public Service Commissioner and, the following year, was appointed the Director General of the Department of Justice and Attorney General, the first non-lawyer to hold such a position. Hunter left this position in 2006 to take up the role of Director General of the Department of Education, Training and the Arts where, among her other responsibilities, she oversaw the construction of the new Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA).
In 2009, Hunter returned briefly to the role of Director General of the Department of Justice and Attorney General, before retiring in 2010.
Copyright © The Centre for the Government of Queensland, the University of Queensland, 2011.
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