Nic Bos discusses the AWU re-affiliation with the ALP, his first trip to Barcaldine and the decision to push for a new monument and the Workers' Heritage Centre.
Bob Gleeson discusses participation in the union and compulsory union membership. He describes the unions' activities on behalf of their members, in particular AWU Organiser, Alf Kain and his style of industrial negotiation with employers.
Bob Gleeson describes how in 1962 he joined the Longreach Branch of the ALP and continued through his life to be very interested in politics. He states that his first job was at age 14 as rouseabout. He speaks about working in the shearing sheds and the regular contact with Australian Workers Union Organisers. He describes working in a number of gang jobs: cane cutting, sugar mills, builders labourer, droving, driving trucks, and shearing sheep.