Tony McGrady outlines his first ministry of Resource Industries. He describes work changing the energy sector. He discusses the importance of the relationship with the director general.
Frank Peach comments on the wage cuts implemented for 27 executives and the process by which this occurred. He discusses the practice of privately owned prisons in Queensland and explains how this approach was in part due to the government's drive for innovation, both in terms of cost and rehabilitation for prisoners.
Ann Scott comments on the rise of proactive policing post-Fitzgerald Inquiry, and on the implementation of statistical and other analysis of the operations of the Police Service. She suggests that this new approach has contributed to the much improved relationship between police and Indigenous people. She also notes that she disagreed with 1996 CJC assertions of increasing corruption in the police force, though she acknowledges that some level of corruption is inevitable.
Judy Spence discusses her good working relationship during her time as Police Minister (2004-09) with the Queensland Police Union, and her good relationship with the Police Commissioner. She discusses the option of the introduction of tasers (2009).
Judy Spence states that as minister her first director general (1998) was appointed for her, after which she appointed her own. She describes her close working relationship while Police Minister (2004-09) with Police Commissioner Bob Atkinson who briefed her by phone at 7.30am every day on issues of the last 24 hours.