Bob Henricks discusses the ETU's central involvement in the SEQEB dispute. He discusses his involvement as Assistant Secretary of the ETU and the impact that the strike had on the union and labour movement including subsequent financial troubles and his role to resolve them.
George Britten describes his involvement as a union delegate at the 1971 South African Springboks rugby tour at the RNA showgrounds, as well as that of BWIU Hugh Hamilton.
Walter Threlfall reflects on the biggest disappointments he met with in his career as a trade union official, particularly the disillusionment he felt with the Queensland Government over the SEQEB incident. He comments on his most satisfying memories, which include day-to-day, minor achievements that made his job enjoyable.
Walter Threlfall comments on some of the industrial disputes he witnessed and took part in during his career. These include the ETU's 1982 general strike and the South East Queensland Electricity Board (SEQEB) dispute.
Jack Hutton discusses his work for apprentice rights during the Joh Bjelke-Petersen era, his election to the Apprenticeship Board, and his application for the role of Welfare Officer.
Jack Hutton discusses some of the issues he dealt with as a member of the Townsville Trades and Labor Council. He describes the relationship between the Australian Labor Party (ALP) and the Trades and Labor Council, particularly in relation to the annual Labour Day March and Picnic.
Linda Apelt discusses the skills she developed in working in the public service, and comments on the structure of the public service and the importance of understanding the roles and responsibilites of government and the public service.
Mike Ahern launches the Queensland Speaks website and discusses some of his experiences in the Queensland parliament, including an altercation with Joh Bjelke-Petersen. He addresses changes in society and the digital revolution.