David Russell discusses the aftermath of the Midnight State program on ABC. He also notes who Bjelke-Petersen considered as a suitable replacement had the Joh for PM campaign been successful.
David Russell discusses the Joh for PM campaign. He details the views of John Howard toward a Liberal-National Party and the broader views towards the federal coalition.
Paul Reynolds discusses the LNP merger and notes the internal state and federal forces influencing the merger. He discusses the possible outcomes for the LNP after the next State election.
Rob Borbidge discusses the establishment of the Fitzgerald Inquiry and Bill Gunn's role in its formation. He comments on the Joh for Canberra campaign and the move to install Russell Hinze as premier.
Russell Cooper discusses his impression of the Joh for Canberra campaign. He notes all the support that came from around Australia and the conferences that rallied support. He describes how the campaign died out. He notes his good relationship with the federal National Party, although he states they always helped if there was something in it for them.