Lindsay Jones discusses key ALP reformers including Senators George Georges and Jim Keeffe, Mike Reynolds, Pat Comben, Peter Beattie, Denis Murphy, Joy Ardill and Wilf Ardill. He discusses the attitude of the Old Guard unions to Clem Jones and Ian Brusasco.
Errol Hodder recalls discussions with John Black regarding the exchange of cooperative support between the Socialist Left faction of the ALP and the AWU including support for Wayne Goss as leader and negotiations with Joy Ardill and Ian McLean.
Ian McLean discusses the recognition of the need for intervention. He delves into the control the Inner Executive, the Trades Hall group, exercised over preselections and the conference. He tells of the growing frustration amongst branch members. He discusses the expansion of the Inner Executive but states the reform did not go far enough. He emphasises the role of unions in the push for intervention.