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Public Servants
Trade Unionists
Michael Diamond
Russell Cooper - 01:11:41
Russell Cooper
Russell Cooper talks about gun laws and his meeting with John Howard where he convinced him to keep some guns for sport.
Ahern, Mike
Ellis, Peter
Jones, Lindsay
Sherrin, Craig
Anderson, Bob
Fennelly, Paul
Jones, Norma
Smith, Geoff
Andrews, Peter
Finger, Erik
Kelly, Mary
Smith, Ken
Apelt, Linda
Fingleton, Diane
Kyburz, Rosemary
Soorley, Jim
Ardill, Joy
Foley, Matt
Launch, Website
Sosso, John
Ardill, Wilf
Fouras, Jim
Mackenroth, Terry
Spence, Judy
Atkinson, Sallyanne
Gilmour, Clyde
Marklew, Bill
Spending, Symposium Part 2
Barton, Tom
Gleeson, Bob
Matchett, Ruth
Springborg, Lawrence
Battams, John
Goss, Wayne
Mayes, Janice
Stable, Rob
Beanland, Denver
Grace, Grace
McGrady, Tony
Strano, John
Beattie, Peter
Grierson, Mal
McLean, Ian
Sullivan, Robin
Borbidge, Rob
Guille, Howard
Mickel, John
Tabrett, Leigh
Bos, Nic
Hamill, David
Moran, Greg
Tenni, Martin
Boyle, Desley
Hampson, Terry
Noack, Darryl
Threlfall, Walter
Bradley, Gerard
Hauenschild, Harry
O'Sullivan, Jim
Trohear, Wallace
Britten, George
Hay, John
Oral History, Symposium Part 1
Varghese, Jim
Brusasco, Ian
Hayden, Bill
Peach, Frank
Warner, Anne
Carroll, Kevin
Head, Brian
Pitt, Warren
Watson, David
Chapman, Yvonne
Heilbron, Stan
Prasser, Scott
Weise, Michael
Clark, Lesley
Henneken, Peter
Premiers, Symposium Part 4
Welford, Rod
Coaldrake, Peter
Henricks, Bob
Quinn, Bob
Weller, Pat
Cooper, Russell
Hewitt, Bill
Reynolds, Mike
Wellington, Peter
Cross, Barbara
Hielscher, Leo
Reynolds, Paul
Wells, Dean
Cross, Manfred
Hodder, Errol
Robson, Molly
Whiddon, Rob
Cunningham, Liz
Hogan, Terry
Rolfe, Ross
Williams, David
De Lacy, Keith
Horan, Mike
Russell, David
Women, Symposium Part 3
Dobinson, Vince
Hughes, Colin
Scott, Ann
Yarrow, Sue
Edwards, Llew
Hunter, Rachel
Scott, Roger
Zetlin, Diane
Elder, Jim
Hutton, Jack
Sheldon, Joan
Bob Anderson
Bob Gleeson
George Britten
Ian Brusasco
Jack Hutton
Joy Ardill
Leo Hielscher
Barbara Cross
Bill Hayden
Bill Hewitt
Bob Anderson
Bob Gleeson
Bob Henricks
Clyde Gilmour
Diane Zetlin
George Britten
Harry Hauenschild
Ian Brusasco
Ian McLean
Jack Hutton
John Battams
Joy Ardill
Kevin Carroll
Leo Hielscher
Lindsay Jones
Llew Edwards
Manfred Cross
Martin Tenni
Mike Ahern
Nic Bos
Norma Jones
Paul Reynolds
Peter Ellis
Rob Whiddon
Rosemary Kyburz
Stan Heilbron
Sue Yarrow
Terry Hampson
Vince Dobinson
Wallace Trohear
Walter Threlfall
Wilf Ardill
Ann Scott
Anne Warner
Bill Hayden
Bill Hewitt
Bob Gleeson
Clyde Gilmour
Craig Sherrin
Denver Beanland
Diane Zetlin
Erik Finger
Errol Hodder
George Britten
Greg Moran
Harry Hauenschild
Ian Brusasco
Ian McLean
Jack Hutton
Jim Fouras
John Battams
John Sosso
Joy Ardill
Keith De Lacy
Kevin Carroll
Lawrence Springborg
Leo Hielscher
Lindsay Jones
Llew Edwards
Manfred Cross
Martin Tenni
Mary Kelly
Mike Ahern
Mike Reynolds
Paul Reynolds
Peter Ellis
Rob Whiddon
Rosemary Kyburz
Russell Cooper
Sallyanne Atkinson
Sue Yarrow
Terry Hampson
Vince Dobinson
Wallace Trohear
Walter Threlfall
Wayne Goss
Wilf Ardill
Yvonne Chapman
Ann Scott
Anne Warner
Bill Marklew
Bob Quinn
Brian Head
Colin Hughes
Craig Sherrin
Darryl Noack
David Hamill
David Russell
David Watson
David Williams
Dean Wells
Denver Beanland
Desley Boyle
Diane Fingleton
Diane Zetlin
Erik Finger
Frank Peach
Geoff Smith
Gerard Bradley
Greg Moran
Howard Guille
Ian Brusasco
Janice Mayes
Jim Elder
Jim Fouras
Jim O'Sullivan
Jim Soorley
Jim Varghese
Joan Sheldon
John Battams
John Hay
John Sosso
John Strano
Judy Spence
Keith De Lacy
Ken Smith
Kevin Carroll
Lawrence Springborg
Leigh Tabrett
Lesley Clark
Linda Apelt
Liz Cunningham
Mal Grierson
Mary Kelly
Matt Foley
Michael Weise
Mike Horan
Molly Robson
Pat Weller
Paul Reynolds
Peter Beattie
Peter Coaldrake
Peter Ellis
Peter Henneken
Peter Wellington
Rob Borbidge
Rob Stable
Rob Whiddon
Robin Sullivan
Rod Welford
Roger Scott
Ross Rolfe
Russell Cooper
Ruth Matchett
Sallyanne Atkinson
Scott Prasser
Terry Hogan
Terry Mackenroth
Tom Barton
Tony McGrady
Wallace Trohear
Walter Threlfall
Warren Pitt
Wayne Goss
Ann Scott
Bill Marklew
Bob Quinn
Brian Head
Darryl Noack
David Russell
David Watson
David Williams
Dean Wells
Desley Boyle
Diane Fingleton
Frank Peach
Gerard Bradley
Grace Grace
Howard Guille
Janice Mayes
Jim Soorley
Jim Varghese
John Battams
John Hay
John Mickel
John Strano
Judy Spence
Ken Smith
Kevin Carroll
Lawrence Springborg
Leigh Tabrett
Lesley Clark
Linda Apelt
Liz Cunningham
Mal Grierson
Matt Foley
Michael Weise
Mike Horan
Mike Reynolds
Paul Fennelly
Paul Reynolds
Peter Andrews
Peter Beattie
Peter Henneken
Peter Wellington
Rachel Hunter
Rob Stable
Rob Whiddon
Robin Sullivan
Rod Welford
Ross Rolfe
Scott Prasser
Terry Hogan
Terry Mackenroth
Tom Barton
Tony McGrady
Wallace Trohear
Warren Pitt
Ann Scott
Linda Apelt
Brian Head
Mal Grierson
Clyde Gilmour
Paul Fennelly
David Williams
Peter Coaldrake
Erik Finger
Peter Ellis
Frank Peach
Peter Henneken
Gerard Bradley
Rachel Hunter
Jim O'Sullivan
Rob Stable
Jim Varghese
Robin Sullivan
John Sosso
Roger Scott
John Strano
Ross Rolfe
Ken Smith
Ruth Matchett
Leigh Tabrett
Scott Prasser
Leo Hielscher
Terry Hogan
: area of jurisdiction
Aboriginal and Islander Affairs
Justice and Attorney General
Public Works
Administrative Services
Education and Training
Queensland Council of Unions
Amalgamated Metal Workers Union
Electrical Trades Union
Local Government
Queensland Teachers Union
Emergency Services
Local Government and Planning
Regional Development
Lord Mayor
Resource Industries
Australian Services Union
Employment, Economic Development and Innovation
Australian Workers Union
Main Roads
Builders Labourers Federation
Mines and Energy
Building Workers Industrial Union
Environment and Heritage
Ministerial Advisor
State Development
Child Safety
Environment and Resource Management
National Tertiary Education Union
Tourism, Sport and Racing
Communication and Information
Fair Trading
Natural Resources
Family Services
Party President
Community and Public Sector Union
Federated Clerks Union
Plumbers Union
Transport and Main Roads
Community Safety
Police Service
Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union
Coordinator General
Premier and Cabinet
Welfare Services
Corrective Services
Primary Industries and Fisheries
Deputy Premier
Bill Marklew
Bob Anderson
Darryl Noack
Diane Zetlin
George Britten
Grace Grace
Howard Guille
Jack Hutton
Janice Mayes
John Battams
Kevin Carroll
Mary Kelly
Michael Weise
Stan Heilbron
Vince Dobinson
Wallace Trohear
Walter Threlfall
Barbara Cross
Bob Gleeson
Bob Henricks
Colin Hughes
David Russell
Diane Fingleton
Errol Hodder
Greg Moran
Harry Hauenschild
Ian Brusasco
Ian McLean
John Hay
Joy Ardill
Lindsay Jones
Nic Bos
Norma Jones
Pat Weller
Paul Reynolds
Peter Andrews
Rob Whiddon
Sue Yarrow
Symposium Part 1 Oral History
Symposium Part 2 Spending
Symposium Part 3 Women
Symposium Part 4 Premiers
Terry Hampson
Website Launch
Wilf Ardill