Errol Hodder discusses the 1956 national Shearer's Strike and the Roma AWU organiser Bert Williamson and Stan Treacy. He notes he was one of the youngest of the AWU strikers and remembers that the AWU held their union meetings on Sundays when Hodder needed a special dispensation so he could play rugby league for the Roma team.
Errol Hodder outlines his early history, commencing in the workforce in Brisbane and then moving to Roma where he worked in the shearing industry and joined the AWU at age 16.
Bob Gleeson lists the well-remembered Shearers' Strikes in Queensland and explains that the 1894 strike was remembered not just as an industrial dispute, but because of the connnection with Banjo Paterson's poem about Waltzing Matilda which was put to music and became an unofficial Australian anthem.
Bob Gleeson recalls that he knew about the ALP Split in 1957, and describes Jack Egerton taking over power from AWU Secretary and Party President, Joe Bukowski. He recalls that the AWU then left the ALP, but at the time Gleeson was quite young. He states that he knew of the Egerton/Bukowski working agreement around the Shearers Strike of 1956, but again, this was when Gleeson was still very young.
Bob Anderson discusses the reasoning behind his change of political party membership from the Labor Party to the Communist Party. He discusses information kept on him by ASIO.