Craig Sherrin

Time | Summary | Keywords |
00:00:09 | Craig Sherrin discusses his background, including his completion of a science degree in 1975, his subsequent decision to enter teaching, and joining the public service in the early 1980s. | |
00:05:27 | Craig Sherrin outlines his three year appointment as Special Duties Officer to the Minister for Education in the early 1980s, and the independent, non-political nature of the public service in this period. | Bjelke-Petersen Government 1968-87, Education Department, George Berkeley, Lionel Powell |
00:09:28 | Craig Sherrin recalls the emphasis placed on education by his parents, his education in state primary and secondary schools, and at UQ, as well as his parent's general support of Labor politics. | |
00:14:07 | Craig Sherrin discusses his work as Associate Director of Technology Services in the mid-1980s, and reflects on his introduction to politics during his time working for the Minister for Education, which culminated in him joining the National Party. | Bill Kaus, Bjelke-Petersen Government 1968-87, Education Department, Lionel Powell |
00:18:34 | Craig Sherrin outlines his decision to stand in the seat of Mansfield in the 1986 election, discusses the preselection and campaigning, and the involvement of the local evangelical churches. He discusses the growing phenomenon of swinging voters. | 1986 election, Bill Kaus, Bjelke-Petersen Government 1968-87, campaign strategy, Mansfield |
00:25:15 | Craig Sherrin discusses the nature of the National Party in the late 1980s, and attempts to reform the party and to broaden its largely rural base. | Bjelke-Petersen Government 1968-87, David Russell, Robert Sparkes |
00:28:45 | Craig Sherrin discusses reform in the National Party in the late 1980s, the party's failure to move with the electorate on social issues, and the lack of opposition offered by Labor at the time, as well as his involvement with the removal of Joh Bjelke-Petersen as head of the party. | gerrymander, Joh Bjelke-Petersen, leadership, Mike Ahern, Opposition |
00:33:35 | Craig Sherrin outlines his appointment to the cabinet as Minister for Family Services, and setting up the ministerial office through the public service rather than along political lines. | Alan Pettigrew, Alicia Harvey, Family Services, Mike Ahern |
00:39:17 | Craig Sherrin recalls the working of the cabinet, the organisation of cabinet submissions, largely during the Bjelke-Petersen era. | Bjelke-Petersen Government 1968-87, Cabinet, Lionel Powell, Mike Ahern, Wayne Goss |
00:44:15 | Craig Sherrin outlines the workings of cabinet and cabinet submissions during the Ahern era. | Ahern Government 1987-89, Bill Gunn, Brian Austin, Cabinet, Mike Ahern |
00:49:17 | Craig Sherrin discusses the last days of the Ahern Government, and the National Party's attempt to recapture rural votes by replacing Ahern with Russell Cooper. | leadership, Mike Ahern, Russell Cooper |
00:53:55 | Craig Sherrin recalls the 1989 election, including the swing against the Nationals, the loss of his seat and the Labor campaign, as well as the strength of Goss's leadership and cabinet. | 1989 election, Cooper Government 1989, Goss Government 1989-96, leadership |
00:57:47 | Craig Sherrin discusses his retirement from politics and return to teaching, and then moving back into the public service despite the Labor government's initial concern with his politics. | Goss Government 1989-96 |
01:01:41 | Craig Sherrin discusses his public service career, including a three year appointment with the State Emergency Service, before becoming the Director of South Brisbane TAFE in 2000. | Bob Marshman, Emergency Services, Goss Government 1989-96, Peter Coaldrake, Public Sector Management Commission, state development, Wayne Goss |
01:05:15 | Craig Sherrin speaks about the brief return to conservative government after the Mundingburra by-election, and his reluctance to join other Bjelke-Petersen public servants returning to prominent positions. | Borbidge Government 1996-98, Mundingburra by-election 1996 |
01:09:31 | Craig Sherrin reflects on what he sees as the pros and cons of governments in Queensland, arguing that while the conservatives overemphasised the economy, Labor overemphasised the social. | Ahern Government 1987-89, Beattie Government 1998-2007, Bjelke-Petersen Government 1968-87, Bligh Government 2007-12, Cooper Government 1989, Goss Government 1989-96 |
01:12:27 | Craig Sherrin comments on the economic importance of equal opportunity, but questions the success of government initiatives. | Equal Opportunity Policies, Indigenous issues, Migrant issues, women |
01:15:11 | Craig Sherrin discusses the efficacy of government programs, focusing on education, class sizes and health. | Education Department, health, NAPLAN |
01:18:16 | Craig Sherrin discusses tensions between the Nationals and Liberals, and contrasts the campaigns and organisations of the two parties. | 1986 election, campaign strategy, Coalition |
01:22:34 | Craig Sherrin discusses the LNP, questioning the wisdom of joining the two parties given their disparate support base and aims. | Coalition |
01:25:36 | Craig Sherrin outlines the organisation and workings of the National Party while in government, including the role of the party branches. | Robert Sparkes |
01:28:29 | Craig Sherrin discusses education reform during the Bjelke-Petersen era, Joh Bjelke-Petersen's personal accessibility to lobbyists and constituents, and Flo Bjelke-Petersen's contribution to the government. | Bjelke-Petersen Government 1968-87, Education Department, Flo Bjelke-Petersen, Joh Bjelke-Petersen, MACOS, Rona Joyner, SEMP |
01:35:50 | Craig Sherrin discusses Beattie's Smart State initiative, lauding its focus on education and skills, and comments on Bligh's Q2 program, which he sees as less successful. | Beattie Government 1998-2007, Bligh Government 2007-12, education, Q2, Smart State |
01:39:35 | Craig Sherrin reflects on his career as a fulfilment of God's plans for him, and on the useful skills he learnt through politics and public service. | Lionel Powell |
01:41:49 | Craig Sherrin discusses what he regards as the highlights of his career, including the opportunity to share his faith, and reforms to social policy and legislation. | Ahern Government 1987-89, Family Services |
01:43:15 | Craig Sherrin discusses the TAFE system, and the opportunities it offers to students. | |
01:47:25 |
Interview ends |
Craig Sherrin

National Party politician and public servant Craig Sherrin was Minister for Family Services in 1989, working on reforms to domestic violence and adoption laws, and then served 11 years as the CEO of South Bank Institute of Technology (2000-11) at a point when the Labor government’s ‘Smart State’ initiative was placing increasing emphasis on education.
Craig Sherrin was born in 1952 into a working class family that valued education. He completed a Bachelor of Science at the University of Queensland and, while he initially planned to go on to a doctorate, instead took up work in secondary school science education. At the same time, he continued his own studies, combining his employment with a Diploma of Education, and then a Bachelor of Educational Studies and a Master of Public Administration. That degree, completed in 1982, fuelled his growing interest in education policy, and prompted Sherrin to leave teaching and take up a position as Special Duties Officer under Education Minister Lionel Powell in the Bjelke-Petersen Government.
This experience sparked Sherrin’s interest in politics and, in a departure from his broadly Labor family, he joined the National Party in the early 1980s. Sherrin soon decided to run for parliament and successfully contested the seat of Mansfield on Brisbane’s south side in the 1986 election. After serving on the back bench, Sherrin was elevated to the ministry in 1989, taking on the Family Services portfolio where he introduced a number of important bills pertaining to the prevention of domestic violence including the Family Protection and the Protection Order bills, as well as reforms to adoption laws.
In that same year Sherrin lost his seat of Mansfield when Labor ousted the National Party government, and he returned to teaching at Wellington Point State High School. Soon, however, Sherrin was drawn back to the public service, taking up management of the VETEC Centre in 1992 and then the Directorship of the North Point Institute of TAFE in 1994. Sherrin then served as CEO at the South Bank Institute of Technology for 11 years before retiring in 2011.
Copyright © Centre for the Government of Queensland, the University of Queensland, 2011.
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