Peter Andrews details the establishment of the Institute for Molecular Bioscience at the University of Queensland. He explains how the state government came to be involved in its foundation and funding.
John Hay discusses funding of the University's research institutes. He comments on the matching of funds by the state and federal governments and the restructuring of the University that was required following the injection of these funds.
Rod Welford discusses Smart State strategy and education. He notes that the strategy was largely aimed at tertiary education, with a key symbol of biotechnology.
Lawrence Springborg discusses Beattie's media skills and the Smart State policy. He describes Smart State as building on the work of earlier governments.
Ross Rolfe describes the Smart State strategy and the origins of some aspects in the Borbidge Government such as the Institute of Molecular Biosciences. He states that the Beattie Government took it to a new level providing operational funding and attracting researchers and forming clusters. He describes how the biosciences strategy was developed in first 6 months of the Beattie Government.