Queensland Speaks presents interviews with key politicians, senior public servants and others, providing a fascinating insight into the personal and political world of decision making in Queensland from 1968-2008.
Public Servant
Public servant Ann Scott talks about her work in the Women's Policy Unit, the Public Sector Management Commission and the Queensland Police Service during the 1990s. She contrasts the outgoing Bjelke-Petersen Government with the incoming Goss Government, and discusses the reform agenda, the Fitzgerald Inquiry, and Criminal Justice Commission. |
Labor Party politician Anne Warner was Minister for Family Services and Aboriginal and Islander Affairs 1989-95. Throughout her political career she encouraged policy change in social justice areas, including child protection, juvenile justice, domestic violence and Aboriginal affairs. |
ALP activist Barbara Cross was active in the Labor Women's Central Organising Committee, represented Ryan electorate on the Queensland Central Executive (QCE), and stood unsuccessfully for the Brisbane City Council in 1967. Together with her husband Manfred Cross, they were some of the first to seek reform in the ALP during the 1970s, especially pushing for a stronger role for branch members and women. Manfred Cross, who was interviewed previously in December 2010, tracked his party and parliamentary activities through to the fall of the Whitlam federal government in 1975. This interview takes up the account from that time, and includes Barbara's insights into party activities and the conflicts she perceived which led to her and Manfred's advocacy in favour of federal intervention by the ALP National Executive. |
Bill Hayden, federal Labor Party leader (1977-83), discusses his experiences as a member of the Labor Party with particular reference to the 1980 intervention into the Queensland branch of the party. |
Bill Hewitt was a Liberal Member of Parliament from 1966-83, first in the seat of Chatsworth and from 1977 in the seat of Greenslopes. He served as the Chair of Committees (1975-80), the Minister for Environment, Evaluation and Administrative Services (1980-83) and Minister for Welfare Services (1983). |
Trade Unionist
Trade Unionist Bill Marklew was appointed Secretary of the Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) in Queensland in 2000. He has been a member of the CPSU since 1994 and played a key role in the organisation of the picket line during the Maritine Union of Australia dispute in Townsville as well as the Our Rights at Work Campaign in Brisbane. |
Trade Unionist
Robert (Uncle Bob) Anderson was the first Indigenous Australian to work as the State Organiser for the Building Workers Industrial Union (later amalgamated with other unions into the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union) from 1963 to 1978. He took an active part in many industrial disputes including the Mount Isa Copper Mine Lock-Out 1964-65, mines in Papua New Guinea in the late 1960s, and the controversial South African Springboks rugby tour in 1971. |
Unionist Bob Gleeson is from Longreach, where he was a shearing contractor, grazier and staunch Australian Workers Union member. In 1962 he joined the Australian Labor Party (ALP) holding many positions within the party, standing twice for the seat of Kennedy and on the ALP's Queensland Senate ticket on two occasions. He was active through the years of reform and intervention in the party and shares his memories of those turbulent years. |
Bob Henricks discusses his years in the Australian Labor Party (ALP), his involvement in the Electrical Trades Union (ETU) and in the issues confronting the ALP in the years preceding the National Executive's intervention in the Queensland Branch in 1980. He was involved in activism across areas as diverse as environmental issues and anti war and anti-apartheid campaigning. |
Liberal Party politician Bob Quinn served as the Queensland Minister for Education for the entirety of the Borbidge Government, 1996-98. He reflects on the challenges of minority government and his desire to reform education in Queensland. He was leader of the Queensland Liberal Party from 2001-06. |
Public Servant
Public servant and academic Brian Head reflects on a public sector career that spanned 13 years and three governments during the 1990s and early 2000s. He focuses on his time in the Premier's Department and in the Public Sector Management Commission, reflecting on the upheaval experienced by the public service during the early Goss Government, and then again during the Borbidge and Beattie governments. |
Public Servant
Public servant Clyde Gilmour was a long serving Director General of Education (1976-83) during the Bjelke-Petersen era and during this time was involved in the restructuring of technical training in Queensland. |
Academic Colin Hughes discusses the development of political science as a discipline as well as providing insights into Queensland politics and his involvement with EARC. |
National Party member Craig Sherrin talks about a career in politics and the public service which spans the Bjelke-Petersen and Bligh governments. He focuses on his passion for education both in and out of government, and provides insights into political campaigning in Queensland during the 1980s. |
Trade Unionist
Trade Unionist Darryl Noack was the North Queensland District Secretary of the Australian Workers Union (AWU) from 2008. He was an elected shop steward of the Federated Ironworkers Association from 1973-79, before serving as a delegate in 1979. He then moved to the Australian Workers Union where he served first as a representative in North Queensland in 1988, before his appointment as a full time AWU organiser in 1993. He reflects on industrial conflict, Indigenous participation and the changing nature of unionism. |
David Hamill was the Labor MLA for Ipswich from 1983 to 2001 and held a number of ministerial positions including Queensland Treasurer, Minister for Education, Minister for Transport and Minister Assisting the Premier on Economics and Trade. |
David Russell QC was the Queensland State President (1995-99) and Federal President (2005-06) of the National Party and a key player in the formation of the Queensland LNP. In this interview he discusses his work on party reforms and his role as a power broker within the National Party. |
David Watson was leader of the Liberal Party, Minister of Public Works and Housing during the Borbidge era and was the Shadow Treasurer and Shadow Minister for Communications and Information. |
Public Servant
Public servant David Williams was CEO of the government-owned Queensland Events Corporation and at other times Director General of departments responsible for tourism, sport, racing, gaming, liquor licensing and fair trading from 1989 to the early 2000s. Here he reflects on the development of Queensland’s events and tourism industries under different governments and during a period of increasing government marketing and corporatisation. |
Labor politician Dean Wells held a number of portfolios during his long parliamentary career (1986-2012) including Attorney-General (1989-95), Minister for Justice (1992-95), Arts (1992-95), Education (1998-2001) and Environment (2001-04). In this interview he reflects on his legal reform agenda. |
Liberal Party politician Denver Beanland was elected to the State seat of Toowong in 1986 following a 10 year term on the Brisbane City Council. He was leader of the Liberal Party in Queensland 1990-91 and held various ministries and shadow ministries before his defeat in 2001. In 1997 a vote of no-confidence was passed against him as Attorney-General over his role in the Carruthers and Connolly-Ryan Inquiries. |
Labor politician Desley Boyle discusses her career that began in 1988 as a Councillor on the Cairns City Council before moving into state politics. She ended her ministerial career in 2011 as Minister for Local Government and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships and stepped down from her parliamentary seat in 2012. She discusses the challenges she faced in each of her portfolios, and focuses on her passion for the environment and good planning. |
Diane Fingleton served as Chief Magistrate of the Queensland Magistrates Court from 1999-2003, though her time in the position was surrounded by controversy. Her career spans a range of legal and policy-related roles and she discusses the workings of politics and justice in Queensland. |
Trade Unionist
Union official and academic Diane Zetlin has worked in an academic capacity at the University of Queensland since 1976. She became involved with the Federated Australian University Staff Association (FAUSA) as President, and was involved in the amalgamation of unions to form the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU), of which she later became General Secretary. Her career has spanned radical changes in political and social attitudes, and she discusses changing conditions for tertiary workers and the role of women in trade unions. |
Public Servant
Long time public servant Erik Finger reflects on a career which began as an engineer in the Main Roads Department in 1961, and ended as the Head of the Premier's Department in 1994. He focuses particularly on the 1989 transition from long-term conservative government to new, reformist Labor government, and the changes wrought to the public service. |
Errol Hodder joined the Australian Workers Union (AWU) in 1955 while working in the shearing industry in western Queensland. He worked his way up becoming Queensland Branch Secretary (1982-88) and Federal AWU Secretary (1988-91). He went on to serve on the Queensland and Australian Industrial Relations Commission (1991-2003) and played an active role in the ALP following the 1980 National Executive intervention into the Queensland Branch and leading to the return of the ALP to government in Queensland in 1989. |
Public Servant
Public servant Frank Peach reflects on his diverse career as Director General of several departments including Education, Corrective Services and Families. He comments on the role of government and the public service in developing and implementing policy, highlighting the frustrations incurred due to a persistent tension between limited resources and increasing demand for social services. |
Labor Party politician Geoff Smith served as a minister during the Goss Government. He held a range of portfolios, including Manufacturing, Commerce, Regional Development and Lands. During his time as Lands Minister the department implemented the Land Rights Act. |
Trade Unionist
George Britten was a Plumbers Union delegate across various workplaces in Mount Isa, Townsville and Brisbane from 1950 until the mid-1980s. He was a member of the Communist Party of Australia. He reflects on the changing nature of unionism in Queensland and his involvement in industrial campaigns including the Springboks tour of 1971, the Plumbers Union campaign for the 38 hour week in 1982 and the strike calling for the Federal Award to apply in Queensland from 1976-79. |
Public Servant
Public servant Gerard Bradley was appointed Under Treasurer in 1995-96, in the final year of the Goss Government. He was reappointed as head of Treasury in 1998 after the Beattie Government won office. He oversaw government corporatisation processes and a budgetary reform agenda during a period of high growth and economic diversification in Queensland. |
Trade Unionist
Unionist and State Labor politician Grace Grace was the first woman General Secretary of the Queensland Council of Unions, serving from 2000-07. Prior to working in this position, Grace served in several union positions as well as being an advisor to Gary Johns, Assistant Industrial Relations Minister in the Keating federal government. Following the retirement of Premier Peter Beattie in 2007, Grace campaigned for and won the State electorate of Brisbane Central in a by-election and held the seat for the ALP until 2012. |
ALP member Greg Moran worked as an ALP State Organiser (1984-91) before taking up positions advising the Brisbane Lord Mayor, Jim Soorley (1991-92) and as Policy Advisor to Ministers during the Goss Government (1992-95). He is an ALP activist, very involved in party and factional activities. He discusses the 1980 federal intervention in the Queensland ALP. |
Harry Hauenschild's (1933-2011) career spanned several fields – unionism, the Labor Party and the TAFE sector. He discusses the federal intervention in the Queensland Labor Party, the relationship between the state and commonwealth and the implementation of competency based apprenticeships and traineeships. |
Trade Unionist
Howard Guille was the Queensland State Secretary for the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) from 1993 to 2006 and was involved in the 1993 amalgamation of academic unions which formed the NTEU. During his union career he was involved in enterprise bargaining, the Indigenous Stolen Wages Campaign and the Papua New Guinea National Minimum Wage Case. |
Ian Brusasco joined the Australian Labor Party (ALP) in about 1960, representing it as an Alderman on the Brisbane City Council for 14 years. He subsequently guided the ALP Inner Executive in turning around the fortunes of their radio station 4KQ, and management of the ALP's finances. In this interview he speaks about those years and about his continued influence after the 1980 intervention by the National Executive into the affairs on the Queensland Branch of the ALP. |
Ian McLean served as President of the Queensland branch of Labor Party from 1984 to 1994. He reflects on the 1980 federal intervention in the Queensland branch of the Labor Party. |
Trade Unionist
Trade Unionist Jack Hutton, as a delegate for the Boilermakers and Blacksmiths Union (later the Amalgamated Metal Workers Union) from 1951-91, was the longest serving Trades and Labour Council member in Australia. He reflects on his many years of union involvement, from the railways in Townsville to the Burdekin Bridge, and recalls the events and personalities which shaped his career. |
Trade Unionist
Unionist Janice Mayes was the President of the Federated Clerks Union, later the Australian Services Union, from 1990, and member of the union's national executive until 2006. As a union official, Mayes has worked on various industrial campaigns including workplace bullying, unpaid overtime, privitisation, and issues relating to women. |
Labor politician Jim Elder entered parliament in 1989 and served as a minister in the Goss Government. He became Deputy Premier when the Labor Party returned to power in 1998. |
Labor politician Jim (Demetrios) Fouras discusses his long involvement with Queensland politics, beginning with his appointment to the shadow ministry in 1977, and ending with his retirement from the seat of Ashgrove in 2006. He focuses on his work for social justice, particularly during the Bjelke-Petersen years, his passionate belief in equality, and his personal experience as a migrant. |
Public Servant
Former Police Commissioner Jim O'Sullivan reflects on a career in the Queensland Police Service which stretched from the 1950s to the early 2000s, and saw him rise from the lowest rank in the service to the highest. He focuses on his involvement with the Fitzgerald Inquiry, and the ongoing challenge of keeping the police service and political system free from corruption. |
Jim Soorley served as popularly elected Labor Lord Mayor of the Brisbane City Council from 1991-2003. He reflects on how his Council introduced the City Cat ferries on the Brisbane River, expanded the city's busway network and reformed the superannuation entitlements of BCC Councillors and staff. |
Public Servant
Public servant Jim Varghese was the Director General of Main Roads, Employment and Training, Education and Primary Industries and Fisheries and was involved in developing and implementing policy reforms during the Borbidge, Goss and Beattie eras. He discusses several key policy reforms in each of these portfolios and outlines some of his strategies for change management. |
Liberal Party politician Joan Sheldon was leader of the Liberal Party in Queensland from 1991-98. In the Borbidge Government 1996-98 she was Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for the Arts. She reflects on her work as Treasurer and commitment to social equality. |
Trade Unionist
Unionist John Battams was the General Secretary of the Queensland Teachers Union for 21 years, from 1990-2011. A member of the QTU since 1976, he has been part of and witnessed many changes within the QTU and the teaching sector including the transformation of the QTU from a conservative, letter-writing organisation to a dynamic union. John Battams has been President of the Queensland Council of Unions since 2009. |
John Hay was the Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Queensland (1996-2007) during a time of rationalisation in the higher education sector and increasing university engagement with the state government. During this period a number of world-class research institutes were built in Queensland, with funding from The Atlantic Philanthropies, Queensland Government Smart State monies and the Australian Government. |
Labor Party politician John Mickel served as minister for seven portfolios in five years (2004-09) under Premiers Beattie and Bligh, before his appointment to the role of Speaker (2009-12). In this interview John Mickel reflects on his political career. He discusses his time as a political advisor as well as his parliamentary career. |
Public Servant
Public servant John Sosso served in the Queensland departments of Consumer Affairs, Justice and Emergency Services and was Deputy Director General in the Premier’s Department until removed in 1998 by the incoming Beattie government. He reflects on his involvement in the Fitzgerald Inquiry, public sector reform and the ‘hit list’ controversy. He discusses his experiences with the Goss and Borbidge governments, including his participation in censorship reform and the PSMC. |
Public Servant
John Strano was a senior member of the Queensland public service with a firm belief in the community benefits from private investment. He was a leading figure in attracting private capital to the state during the Beattie Government era. |
Labor Party activist Joy Ardill was the first woman elected as Vice-President of the Queensland Branch of the Australian Labor Party (ALP) in 1981. In this interview she discusses her time as a Socialist Left (SL) activist in the ALP through the 1970s and 1980s in the lead up to intervention in the party by the National Executive. |
Labor Party member Judy Spence discusses her extensive experience as a Minister in the Beattie and Bligh governments and outlines her contributions to Queensland politics in a range of areas including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy, Police and Corrective Services and social services. |
De Lacy
Keith De Lacy was Queensland Minister for Regional Development 1989-90 and Queensland Treasurer 1989-96 in the Goss Government, after having served in Opposition and working in a wide range of careers before entering politics. He reflects on his time as Queensland Treasurer and the reasons why people become involved in politics. He discusses the political landscapes he has come to understand, changes during and since his time as a politician, as well as his priorities since leaving state politics. |
Public Servant
Ken Smith worked in the Queensland public service over the twenty-year period of intense professionalisation – starting in the Goss years, dismissed in the Borbidge years, and returning to serve Beattie and Bligh. His key contributions have been in delivering better family services and stimulating different policy perspectives in education. |
Trade Unionist
Trade Unionist Kevin Carroll has been a member of the Building Workers Industrial Union (amalgamated into the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union in 1991) since 1965, and has held prominent roles within both the BWIU and the Trades and Labor Council. He discusses his career within the building and construction industry, and highlights some of the key challenges facing the union movement. |
National Party member Lawrence Springborg entered parliament in 1989, he served in the Borbidge Government 1996-98 and played an integral role in the creation of the Liberal National Party. |
Public Servant
Public servant Leigh Tabrett discusses her career working in the Department of Education and then Arts Queensland during the 1990s and 2000s. She focuses on the reform of the state's education system, particularly higher education, as well as the re-invigoration of the Brisbane cultural precinct and the importance of arts and culture to the community. |
Public Servant
Public servant Leo Hielscher reflect on his long career in the Treasury Department and in the Queensland Treasury Corporation, serving fifteen different treasurers. |
Lesley Clark was a Councillor in the Mulgrave Shire before running for the Queensland state parliament. She represented the electorate of Barron River from 1989 to 1995 and then again from 1998 to 2006. She has a particular interest in environmental, social welfare and women's issues. |
Public Servant
Public servant Linda Apelt was Director General of the Department of Housing (1998-2004), Disability Services Queensland (2004-09) and Department of Communities (2009-12) one of the Bligh Government’s ‘Super Departments’. In this interview she describes the changing relationships between the public service and ministers, and the role of director general. |
Queensland Labor Party candidate Lindsay Jones joined the ALP in 1959 and stood, unsuccessfully, in 1974 for the seat of Lockyer, and in 1980 for Toowoomba North. He served as an Alderman on the Toowoomba City Council for six years in the late 1970s. From 1988 Jones worked in various positions in the ALP including as the State Organiser, and then as Assistant State Secretary, until 1996. Together with his wife Norma Jones they were key leaders of reform in Toowoomba leading to the 1980 federal intervention in the Queensland branch of the ALP. |
Queensland Independent MP Liz Cunningham reflects on her time on the cross benches in the Queensland parliament. As the Independent Member of Gladstone in 1995 she was instrumental in bringing the Borbidge minority government to power following the 1996 Mundingburra by-election. She reflects on her decision to become an Independent MP rather than join a political party. |
Llew Edwards was leader of the Queensland Liberal Party and Deputy Premier in the Bjelke-Petersen Government (1978-83), Queensland Treasurer (1978-83), Queensland Minister for Health (1974-78) before retiring in 1983. He was appointed the Executive Chair of the World Expo '88 Committee. |
Public Servant
Public servant Mal Grierson served as Director General of Public Works from the Goss Government through to 2011 and throughout his career played a significant role in the development of the Information and Communications Technology sector in Queensland. |
Labor politician Manfred Cross represented the seat of Brisbane in the federal parliament from 1961-75, and again from 1980-90. He was associated with the federal intervention into the Queensland Labor Party in 1980. |
National Party member Martin Tenni was elected to state parliament in 1974 and served in the governments of Joh Bjelke-Petersen, Mike Ahern and Russell Cooper, and was Minister for Mines and Energy 1987-89 until he retired in 1989. |
Trade Unionist
Mary Kelly was President of the Queensland Teachers Union (QTU) from 1986 until 1994. Only the second woman to ever lead the QTU, and the first to do so full-time, she had been a longstanding executive member of the union. In both of these capacities, she worked to improve conditions for all involved in education, but for women teachers and students particularly. She was the Vice-President of the Australian Education Union, an active member of the Working Woman's Charter Committee, and one of the first women executive members of the Trades and Labor Council. |
Labor politician Matt Foley was the member for Yeerongpilly from 1989 to 2004. During this period he was Minister for Employment, Training and Industrial Relations (1992-95), Attorney-General, Minister for Justice, Industrial Relations and the Arts (1995-96), Attorney-General, Minister for Justice and the Arts (1998-2001), Minister for Employment, Training and Youth and the Arts (2001-04). |
Trade Unionist
Queensland Trade Unionist Michael Weise has been a member of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) in the Mining and Energy division since 1989. He discusses his career within the union, as well as significant CFMEU campaigns and efforts such as the re-unionisation of the Pilbara mining region in Western Australia and the Let's Spread it Around campaign. |
In 1987 Mike Ahern successfully challenged Joh Bjelke-Petersen to become leader of the National Party and Premier of Queensland. He reflects on the reforms following the Fitzgerald Inquiry into corruption, the role of parliamentary committees and the impact of technology on state development. |
National Party member Mike Horan served as Health Minister in the Borbidge Government 1996-98, and was leader of the National Party from 2001-03. He influenced significant health reform in the state. |
Labor politician and Speaker (2006-09) Mike Reynolds discusses the events leading up to the federal intervention in the Queensland Labor Party in 1980. |
Molly Robson, Labor politican and Environment Minister 1992-95, discusses the growth of the environmental movement in Queensland, the role of the Goss Government in implementing the reforms of the Fitzgerald Inquiry and provides insights into the relationships between the government, the public service and various interest groups. |
Labor Party activist Nic Bos was a member of the Old Guard of the Australian Labor Party (ALP) during the years leading to the National Executive’s 1980 intervention. Associated with the ETU, he held many ALP roles including State President of Young Labor, State ALP Organiser, and State Secretary from 1978. |
Norma Jones has been a stalwart of the Australian Labor Party (ALP) since she joined in 1970. At that time Norma lived in Toowoomba, where she was very active, holding many positions in her branch and representing Toowoomba South and the Darling Downs on State Council and State Conferences. During the years leading to the 1980 federal intervention in the ALP, the Toowoomba Branches were in turmoil which led to their closure by the (then) Inner Executive of the ALP. At this time, Norma Jones was central to the movement for reform of the party and is now a Life Member, having continued her involvement and serving as a member of the National ALP Executive and Party Organiser. |
Academic Pat Weller discusses his involvement with Queensland politics from the late 1980s until 2009, particularly the period in which Labor returned to government after a 32 year absence, providing insight into the internal workings of the party, and on his involvement with the Corrective Services Commission. |
Public Servant
Public servant Paul Fennelly was Queensland's Coordinator General (2002-05) and Director General of the Department of State Development (2002-06) during the Beattie Government period. In this time he helped implement elements of the government's Smart State strategy and oversaw several major projects of economic significance. |
Paul Reynolds is a widely-published academic and political commentator on national and state politics with a career spanning over 30 years. |
Scientist Professor Peter Andrews AO reflects on his appointment by Peter Beattie as Queensland's first Chief Scientist from 2003-10. In particular he focuses on his role in supporting the Beattie Government's Smart State strategy. |
Labor politician Peter Beattie discusses his career in politics, beginning as Labor Party Secretary, and ending with an almost decade-long stint as Queensland Premier, 1998-2007. He focuses on his agenda to modernise and reform Queensland's government and economy through the Smart State policy and a committment to equal opportunity initiatives. |
Public Servant
Public servant Peter Coaldrake served as the chair of the Goss Government's Public Sector Management Commission. He played a significant role in the reform of the culture and structures of the Queensland public service. |
Public Servant
Public servant Peter Ellis was a geologist working with the Environment, Industry and Mining Departments, before being appointed Director General of the Department of Premier and Cabinet and Coordinator General under the Borbidge Government 1996-98. |
Public Servant
Peter Henneken discusses his experience of working in the Queensland public service from the Bjelke-Petersen era to the Beattie era. He comments on the industrial relations and training policy and explores the approaches of various government to managing the public service. |
Queensland Independent MP Peter Wellington reflects on his time on the cross benches in Queensland. He focuses on the 1998 State election and the formation of the minority Beattie government. He emphasises the importance of community connections as the driving force behind his political career. |
Public Servant
Public servant Rachel Hunter discusses her career as the Public Service Commissioner from the early 2000s, and ending as the Director General of the Department of Justice and Attorney General in 2010. She focuses on the importance of education and links to the Beattie Government's Smart State initiative. |
National Party politician Rob Borbidge discusses his rise through the party, his experiences of the Bjelke-Petersen and Goss Government eras and his time as the Premier of Queensland, 1996-98. He delves into Queensland's political culture and the One Nation Party. |
Public Servant
Public servant Rob Stable was Director General of Health 1996-2004 in the Queensland public service following a career as a doctor and hospital manager. He worked with health ministers Peter Beattie, Rob Borbidge, Mike Horan and Wendy Edmond. |
Labor Party member and ministerial staffer Rob Whiddon was a central figure in pursuing the reform of the Queensland branch of the Labor Party and later served as Premier Peter Beattie's Chief of Staff. In this capacity he was involved with the implementation of the Smart State agenda. |
Public Servant
Public servant Robin Sullivan discusses her career including her work as the Director General of the Department of Child Safety. She reflects on her time as the Children and Young People's Commissioner and discusses her experiences of gender inequality as well as her professional commitment to social justice. |
Labor Party politician Rod Welford served in a number of ministries in successive Beattie Governments including Environment, Attorney General as well as Education, Training and the Arts. |
Public Servant
As Director General of Education in the Goss Government 1990-94, public servant Roger Scott comments on the relationship between the Education Department and tertiary education institutes including TAFE. He reflects on the merging of tertiary institutions. |
Liberal Party member Rosemary Kyburz discusses her time in the Queensland state parliament 1974-83, her advocacy of women's issues and her commitment to education and environment. |
Public Servant
Ross Rolfe was Director General of three Queensland departments, Environment and Heritage 1996, 1998, State Development 1998-2002, and Premier and Cabinet 2005-07, working on state infrastructure and with Premier Peter Beattie on many of the Smart State initiatives, the water policy and the Cyclone Larry recovery plan. |
National Party politician Russell Cooper was Queensland Premier for 73 days in 1989 after successfully challenging Mike Ahern. As Minister for Corrective Services he brought about sweeping changes to prisons and oversaw gun reform. |
Public Servant
Ruth Matchett was Director General of the Queensland Department of Family Services and Aboriginal and Islander Affairs 1990-95, during a time of unprecedented legislative change in that policy area, including child protection, domestic violence, disability services, ageing and land rights. |
Sallyanne Atkinson served as a popularly elected Liberal Lord Mayor of the Brisbane City Council, 1985-91. She reflects on her time at the Council, particularly the relationship between the Brisbane City Council and the State government. During her time in office she presided over Expo 88 and sought to reform Council processes. |
Public Servant
Queensland public servant Scott Prasser discusses the Smart State strategy of the Beattie Government and the changing nature of the Queensland public service. |
Trade Unionist
Stan Heilbron is a member of the Communist Party of Australia (CPA). He is notable for his work in the Townsville community as a member of the Federated Clerks Union (FCU), Secretary of the Gulliver Progress Association and as a member of the Parents and Citizens Association. He was involved in many social issues including public transport and housing. |
Sue Yarrow joined the Labor Party in 1968, part of an influx of new members concerned that the party should be more broadly based and more responsive to issues affecting Queensland. She participated in the reform of the Queensland branch of the Labor Party following federal intervention in 1980 becoming the first organiser of the Socialist Left faction. |
Symposium Part 1
Oral History
The Queensland Speaks Symposium, held on 3 November 2011 at the University of Queensland, gathered together about 30 thinkers and practitioners involved in Queensland’s political history. Part 1 Oral History In this session Danielle Miller delivers a reflective paper on the practice of oral history. This is followed by a discussion from other interviewers on their approach to oral history throughout the Queensland Speaks project. General discussion is concerned with the varying approaches to oral history in Queensland. Note that due to the symposium format, on occasion part of a question or comment from the audience may be temporarily inaudible and that the audio has been recorded through a single microphone. |
Symposium Part 2
The Queensland Speaks Symposium, held on 3 November 2011 at the University of Queensland, gathered together about 30 thinkers and practitioners involved in Queensland’s political history. Part 2 The Pattern of Government Spending In this session Peter Ellis and Ross Rolfe, two former directors general of the Department of Premier and Cabinet, and Joan Sheldon, former Treasurer, speak about their experiences of government spending, including the major sources of expenditure, fiscal constraints and the perceptions of Treasury. Following presentations, discussion turns to the politicisation of the public service. Note that due to the symposium format, on occasion part of a question or comment from the audience may be temporarily inaudible and that the audio has been recorded through a single microphone. |
Symposium Part 3
The Queensland Speaks Symposium, held on 3 November 2011 at the University of Queensland, gathered together about 30 thinkers and practitioners involved in Queensland’s political history. Part 3 Women in Government In this session the role of women in government is discussed from a number of perspectives. Lesley Clark, former member for Barron River and academic, discusses the importance of affirmative action in encouraging more women members of parliament. Robin Sullivan discusses her role in the public service from school principal in Tully to Director General. Leigh Tabrett discusses her roles in the public service and some of her experiences. The session concludes with Joan Sheldon sharing some of her experiences and general discussion on the role of mentoring. Note that due to the symposium format, on occasion part of a question or comment from the audience may be temporarily inaudible and that the audio has been recorded through a single microphone. |
Symposium Part 4
The Queensland Speaks Symposium, held on 3 November 2011 at the University of Queensland, gathered together about 30 thinkers and practitioners involved in Queensland’s political history. Part 4 Premiers, Leadership and Change In this session interview extracts from five premiers – Mike Ahern, Russell Cooper, Wayne Goss, Rob Borbidge and Peter Beattie – from Queensland Speaks are played to give an insight into each of their premierships. This is followed by a reflection by commentators Dr Paul Williams from Griffith University and Dr Rae Wear from the University of Queensland on the Queensland leadership style and changing trends. Questions from the audience on changing media reporting and the role of journalists follow. Note that due to the symposium format, on occasion part of a question or comment from the audience may be temporarily inaudible and that the audio has been recorded through a single microphone. |
Labor Party stalwart Terry Hampson (1935-2014) recalls his long history with the party, focusing on the events around the 1980 federal intervention in the state party. A founding member of the Socialist Left faction as well as a former party secretary, Hampson provides personal insights into the party and into political campaigning from the 1960s through to the 1990s. |
Public Servant
Public servant Terry Hogan worked in both the Commonwealth and Queensland public sectors for over 20 years, ending as Director General of Queensland’s Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy. While he held this role the Department undertook significant and contested policy reforms in the areas of Native Title negotiation, land clearing and water resource management. |
Labor politician Terry Mackenroth discusses a career which began in Opposition during the Bjelke-Petersen era, and included ministries in both the Goss and Beattie governments. In 2000 he was Deputy Premier and in 2001 Treasurer, retiring in 2005. He discusses his reforms in planning and infrastructure, his commitment to social issues, and the threat posed by One Nation. |
Labor politician Tom Barton speaks about his career in the trade union movement and his election to the Queensland parliament in 1995, focusing on his commitment to development and his time as Minister for State Development in the second Beattie Government. |
Tony McGrady was the State Labor member for Mount Isa 1989-2006, following a four year term as Mayor of Mount Isa. He was Minister for Resource Industries (1991-92), Energy (1992-96, 1998-2001), Mines (1998-2001), Police and Corrective Services (2001-04), Innovation and State Development (2004-05) and Speaker (2005-06). His mining background influenced a range of policy changes. |
Trade Unionist
Trade Unionist Vince Dobinson was elected as a delegate of the Queensland branch of the Builders Labourers Federation in 1959, serving as an organiser 1962-72. He was elected as State Secretary from 1972-90. At federal level, he was the President of the Australian Builders Labourers Federation from 1974 until its deregistration in 1986. He reflects on his roles at both a state and federal level, discussing the changing nature of the construction industry and unionism within Queensland. |
Trade Unionist
Trade Unionist Wallace Trohear was a member of the Building Workers Industrial Union (amalgamated into the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union in 1991) from 1973 to 2006. During that time he held a number of key positions in the union, including Queensland State Secretary from 1987-2006. He reflects on his many years experience in the building and construction industry and discusses the issues and challenges he faced during his career, from wage disputes to royal commissions. |
Trade Unionist
Trade Unionist Walter Threlfall became Assistant State Secretary of the Electrical Trades Union (ETU) in 1983. He discusses his time as an ETU member and official from 1972 until the mid-1990s in North Queensland, with particular reference to the infamous SEQEB dispute of the Bjelke-Petersen era and the Mount Isa Mine lockout. |
Warren Pitt was the Labor member for Mulgrave from 1989-95 and then again from 1998-2009. During his time in parliament he served as the Minister for Business, Industry and Regional Development (1995), Communities (2004-07) and Main Roads and Local Government (2007-09). |
Labor Party Premier Wayne Goss (1951-2014) talks about his political career and leading the Queensland government from 1989-96. He addresses the challenges of winning office after 32 years in Opposition, the impacts of the Fitzgerald Inquiry into police corruption, and the challenges of political and public service reform. |
The Queensland Speaks website was launched on 3 November 2011 at the University of Queensland by the Hon Mike Ahern AO, Premier of Queensland 1987-89, and one of the project's interview subjects. Mike Ahern gave the following address to the audience. Note this audio has been recorded through a single microphone. |
Union leader and activist Wilf Ardill discusses his history in the union movement and the Labor Party and recalls the federal intervention into the Queensland branch of the Labor Party and the formation of the Socialist Left faction. |
National Party politician (and former Liberal) Yvonne Chapman became the first woman cabinet minister in Queensland state politics serving as the Minister for Welfare Service, Youth and Ethnic Affairs in 1986. She was Mayor of Pine Rivers Shire from 1994-2008. |